Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Between my dad, my brother, my uncle and I, we have a total of 5 vintage modifieds. Three are set up for racing, one is a show car that we fully restored and race a little bit, and one is in the same condition it was when it came off of the track in 1971. We belong to two racing clubs and have about 10 dates on the schedule so far for 2017.

One club is Milwaukee Stock Car Racing Association or MSC for short.  http://milwaukeestockcar.tripod.com/

The other club is Badgerland Vintage Racers which is a newly formed club.

The blue 75 and the orange 66 are race ready cars. The green 40 was restored from a pile of scrap and has quite a bit of time and money into making it look the way it does.
This one was sold to us by a racer that last raced it in 1971. It is close to being a regular at local shows.

Here is a quick video of a test drive down the driveway:

These are the five cars we currently have. There was one that my uncle had that he has since sold. That one still comes to the shows we attend up north in WI and MI.

My next few entries will talk a little about the cars individually.Until next time.

1 comment:

  1. Darrin, you have a very unique blog! I enjoy watching a good race. Since I was a little girl, I always had an infatuation with vintage cars. Good luck with all your race endeavors! Looking forward to reading more posts.
